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make music • make friends • make a difference


For our present members and families.

Looking for more information about joining a NVYO program? Click here

​​Holiday ensemble music, digital scans: also check or for more. 


Registration links 2024-25 (



Facebook event links March 2  concert.

SIGNUPGENIUS link for concert help: coming soon 
Concert dress guidelines​

Behl's photo form 


​Online forms & general info: â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

Fees: 2024-25 

  • Symphony: Tuition is $310 for the 2024-25 school year season, $300 before August 31, $290 before May 31.  

  • Philharmonic: Tuition is $285 for the 2024-25 school year season, $275 before August 31, $265 before May 31. 

  • Crescendo: $150 ($25 discount if also in Philharmonic or Symphony. 

  • Dal Segno: $175 per camp, $150 before July 22. 

Additional tuition info: 

  • Limited scholarships are available, need or merit- based for all members. Complete the appropriate application online HERE. Please submit prior to registration for best consideration. 

  • Fees include all instruction, music use, sectional opportunities, and a tshirt.

  • Students joining in the middle of the season may inquire about a reduced tuition rate, presently $165 Philharmonic and $190 for Symphony.


printable/other information (begins fall): 

SYMPHONY info & updates (google documents updated weekly):

Symphony rehearsal notes & music 

Symphony email updates 


PHILHARMONIC info & updates (google documents updated weekly): 

Philharmonic rehearsal notes & music  

Philharmonic email updates 

​2024-25 Concert & event links: 
Dal Segno camp concert  Aug 9, 2024

Fall Symphony concert Nov 10, 2024

Fall Philharmonic concert Nov 11, 2024

Winter/Spring NVYO concert March 2, 2025

2024-25 season:

Symphony rehearsal: Sundays 6:30-8:30 pm  at the EMPIRE ARTS CENTER 415 Demers Avenue.(subject to change) 

First rehearsal: Sunday Sept 8th. 

Philharmonic rehearsal: Mondays 6:45-8:15 pm (occasional 8:30 pm , occasional Sunday afternoons) at Grand Forks Central High School 115 4th Ave N. (use door #6 or 5, at corner of 1st St. N and 5th Ave. N. -subject to change) 

First rehearsal: Monday Sept 9th 



In the case of weather cancellations or postponements, there will be a weather announcement on the website home page, email notifications, and posts on local media. Those signed up for the NVYO Remind App (text @nvyorch to 81010 to join) will receive a notification. Cancellations are very rare, so please assume rehearsal is on unless you hear otherwise. For those of you traveling from out of the Grand Forks area, we ask that you please use your best discretion if the road conditions are hazardous. Do not risk your own safety to get to rehearsal.


Attendance Policies:

Students are expected to be in attendance and on time to every scheduled rehearsal. To ensure that the ensembles can attain the highest of musical standards, the NVYO conductors cannot allow more than one absence per semester, except in certain circumstances. (Added info - please contact us if you have concerns about your schedule so we can come to a decision together. In many instances we are able to make exceptions for family/school/illness related absence. We are also usually able to provide Zoom access to the rehearsal and/or video coaching in the event of extended absence.We ask that you and your parents review the rehearsal schedule along with other planned activities on your calendar and note any conflicts. Please plan ahead! Keep in mind that your school band or orchestra performance schedule takes precedence over NVYO rehearsal. However we expect that NVYO rehearsal will take priority over non-required school and other activities, including other rehearsals. The membership status of any student exceeding the allotted absences in a semester will be subject for review. Use the Online Absence Form  to let NVYO office & staff know about absences/tardies ahead of time. 


Note: rehearsal absence form should not be used for  Dress Rehearsals or Concerts: You are NOT excused from any dress rehearsal or concert except with the express permission of the conductor, with 30 day written notice, and all decisions regarding return after a missed concert are at the discretion of the conductor(s).The conductor’s decision is final in all matters pertaining to absences from any dress rehearsal or concert. Illness or family emergency is the only reason to miss any dress rehearsal or concert you have not given 30 day notice on. In these cases, please notify the conductor and/or the NVYO Executive Director as soon as possible.


Punctuality:  Students are expected to be seated and tuned 5 minutes prior to the beginning of rehearsal. Rehearsals start promptly at the times posted on the rehearsal schedule. Rehearsal time is valuable and lateness is disruptive to the conductor and fellow orchestra members. Please notify your conductor and/or the Executive Director if you will be late arriving due to a conflict,​ using the absence report form.


School Program Statement

Northern Valley Youth Orchestras believes it is important for all of its members to participate in their school music programs, if available, and expects such participation except in cases of unavoidable scheduling conflict. Participation in a school music group not only helps advocate for fine arts education, it is important for the development of ensemble and leadership skills which can in turn strengthen the NVYO ensembles.

NVYO ensembles are meant to complement other music instruction and thus enhance musical development; they are not intended to be a replacement for school or private instruction.



A comprehensive seating policy is provided on this page; all seating is at the discretion of the conductors, and will take into account many factors that matter as much as, if not more than, a student's raw playing ability.  Students will be rotated and, as much as possible, offered a variety of playing experiences. 


Non-discrimination statement:
NVYO is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all its members and employees, and expects all its members to treat each other well. Northern Valley Youth Orchestras does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or gender expression, in any of its activities or operations. 


I'm at home! What can I do to keep making music?

Northern Valley Youth Orchestras


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415 Demers Ave Suite A, Grand Forks, ND 58201, USA

©2019 by Northern Valley Youth Orchestras.

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